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Release Your F*cks Society

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**40 Day Winter Challenge **
Week 1 — Done. ☑️ Congratulations! 👏🏽 👏🏽👏🏽 Without you— Without your effort, attention, willingness and drive we would not be where we are. When we take the time to make time for ourselves, we become Better. We have the opportunity to create space in our interactions with others. We generate change in our immediate circle, then in our community. Meditations reminds you and your body that there is Always An Alternate Way You have to choose it before the moment can Change. You only control you. Not the outcome or the moment. So prepare yourself to step into it. Because it will arrive. It does. Always. If you haven’t started the challenge or fell off, Hop on today. Right now. Get in the classroom. And then come back to the community and tell us about it =] 😬 See ya!
New comment 2h ago
2 likes • 3h
Reasons to show up and glow up. 💖🤍📿✨
Weather 🧚 🧚‍♀️ 🧚🏻‍♂️
What’s it like where you are? The weather fairies are having some fun. Went to bed at 38°. Since then, it’s been high winds, a tornado warning, and heavy rains. Now, temps climbing towards 66° from waking up to 47°. Tonight’s low is supposed to be 30. It’s been one weather event after another. We’re just getting our bearings back after this last storm. The ice and winter mix brought down branches, trees, and power lines. It sparked fires on power lines in our backyard and multiple neighbor's lines as well. The fire department had to come put out spotfires as best they could waiting for DOM. DOM had to come to replace entire lines as well as Comcast & Verizon. Power was restored swiftly. It’s been 4 days and the internet is just being restored with lines this afternoon. Having more off-net time has been nice. We’re rolling into another winter storm this week. It’s said we may get 3 inches up to a foot plus. I get that’s a big range. I know we’ve got some folks and nature indicating it’s no joke. It’s a strange sort of dance nature is doing outside. Moody, majestic, fierce, dominating, attention-grabbing. 60° now in mid Feb knowing by midweek it’ll be freezing temps with a blanket of snow and a wintry mix. Cuppas up y’all ☕️🫖🍵
New comment 2h ago
0 likes • 3h
@Jennifer Skavenski That’s about right. All 4 seasons in one day! I don’t usually rush seasons. I have to say I’m looking towards Spring where there’s less wintry weather. 🤍📿✨
1 like • 3h
@Fania De Lugo That sounds beautiful! I have not seen sights like that. Only in pictures or movies. I suppose we are all experiencing extremes of different sorts. We are not alone and I love that for us. 🤍📿✨
Struggle bus
Prayers please
New comment 4h ago
2 likes • 10h
You've got mine. 💖📿🤍✨
Day 7 ✅
A gradual grateful climb into normalcy this morning. I did two back-to-back meditations. It felt good to get back to the early morning ones. Up with a connection to my heart and body. It’s been so chaotic and exhausting these last couple of weeks. No set plans on the books today. Just some light chores and episodes of some shows I’ve missed. Tippin’ my cuppa to yours. 🧘🏻‍♀️📿🤍🌞🌙✨💜☕️🕯️
New comment 11h ago
2 likes • 14h
@Jennifer Skavenski 💖📿🤍✨
1 like • 11h
@Fania De Lugo It’s trying to be. 💖📿🤍✨
Morning moon
New comment 14h ago
Morning moon
4 likes • 14h
I caught her Friday driving into work. It’s been raining/wintry weather so much. I was surprised to see her. 💖📿🤍✨
1-10 of 1,573
Kat Ring
3,489points to level up
Spent the last year rebuilding my life after a change in career, friendships, relationships, and a shift in my health needed attention.

Active 3h ago
Joined Sep 2, 2024
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