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Created by Jason

Future Proof Agent Community

Private • 138 • Free

A place for Realtors to connect around technology, online lead generation & success habits. Let's work smarter not harder. *Invite your agent friends*



Private • 9.1k • Paid


Private • 2.1k • Paid

Skool Community

Public • 73.2k • Paid

Scott Fury

Private • 211 • Free


Private • 237 • Paid

Synthesizer School

Public • 9.3k • Free

Tax Savings

Private • 547 • Free

Relentless Creator

Private • 2.7k • Free

Public • 3.4k • Free

7 contributions to Skool Community
It’s true! See attached our cash collected in Stripe in the last 90 days! When Skool was first released I thought ‘here goes another shiny object’. Boy was I wrong. In the first month of transitioning to Skool, our cash collected doubled. No joke. We went from $250,000/mo to $500,000. All with one decision to move over to this beautiful place. I was super reluctant to make the shift in the beginning. We were integrated with what I'm gonna call “the devils’ trifecta” - a FB group, a scattered calendar, and kajabi. The thing is, “the devils’ trifecta” did work for us. It worked. But it created a negative client experience. Truth is we got lazy with it. We were using a platform and model that we knew was sub-par for clients just because it was gonna be painful to move to skool and it was ‘how we’d always done it’. Within 30 days of shifting to Skool, we took our cash collected to $500k/mo - a new height for us. And the cool part? It hasn’t dipped below that. We’ve kept this consistent, and May is due to be our best month yet (projecting $600k). By the end of the year we’ll be at 8 figures. Bold claim, but thanks to Skool we can make better product decisions and create more value as a company - allowing us to charge more, keep clients retained + garner more love from the market. How did Skool improve our product, cash collected & company? 1. Better offer Skool has given us the confidence in our product to have an insane offer. Before we guaranteed a ROI or your money back. Now, we guarantee 20 high ticket coaching, consulting or agency clients, or a full refund + a $5,000 wire! Madness. It’s much easier to get clients. Better product = better offer = easier acquisition. Simple. 2. More coaching calls Our previous product had the standard 2x coaching calls per week. These were run by my business partner and I, and they’d fill up, run over & questions wouldn’t be answered properly due to the sheer volume. Now, Skool allows us to host more calls. Due to the easy calendar feature, we run 15 decentralised coaching calls per week (run by community members), all on specific topics instead of general Q&A.
New comment Feb 15
0 likes • May '23
@Charlie Morgan Amazing work
Cat appearing in groups (we're looking into it)
We've had reports of a cat showing up in some groups. We're looking into it!
New comment 22d ago
5 likes • Mar '23
Well played @Sam Ovens we all know how much you love cats..
5 Engagement Hacks For Free/Paid Groups
After much testing, here are a few tactics that have been proven to produce a more active group for me: 1) Every week/month, create a post to welcome your new members to your Community. This brings them back to the platform that they might have forgotten about after signing up. Your welcome post could tag new members, include who the group is for, what's in it for them, free group resources, guidelines, CTA etc. 2) Take the time to send a message to each new member within a few days after they sign up. One thing that I include with the message is a link to the "Start here" pinned post, which gives them an overview of the group and what to do next. You can also ask them a question to spark an easy conversation. 3) Post a weekly community update, which can be anything related to the Community such as the groups growth, new courses, industry news, upcoming webinars, polls etc. Just make it consistent. 4) Encourage your members to post to the community board, and let them answer each others questions. Hold back from replying to a post right away, and give your members time to respond to each other. This is a small move that can really spark engagement and bonding between members. If you have a feeling that a particular member might add value to a post, tag them and let them take it from there. Works great! 5) Encourage members to share their wins and post their goals for the week/month. This is perfect because it's easy and helps to know what your members are working on/stuck with, which can spark even more engagement. Check in on the members mid week or month and ask how they are progressing on their goals. This goes a long way! Hope this provides some ideas for you. -Trent
New comment Mar '23
1 like • Mar '23
Gold. Thanks for sharing
My Free Group Engagement Sucks
Hi everyone, I've been struggling to build ANY engagement other than people introducing themselves. Once they post that first comment they disappear. It's a free group funnel to nurture leads and transition into my paid program. Here's what I've done so far: - Seeded the group (start here/welcome video post/introduce yourself) - Included a high value free mini course - Added 120 members from my warm list - Regularly post content every few days (YouTube videos and written text) 1/week is sent as an email - Host free webinars - Created polls asking questions I rarely post a CTA to book a call. Despite all of this, engagement is DEAD (almost non existent). Any suggestions on how to turn things around?
New comment Feb 16
3 likes • Feb '23
@Tracy Wilson Thanks great tips
3 likes • Feb '23
@Blake La Grange Makes sense. They have the attention span of a goldfish (I know first hand as a former Realtor)
1-7 of 7
Jason Weinberger
15points to level up
Founder of SmartClose.AI

Active 14h ago
Joined Feb 13, 2022
Tulum, Mexico
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