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Creators Hub

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Transform your YouTube success into a thriving lifestyle business. Build and monetize your community. Free resources for Silver Play Button creators

Lifestyle Business Creator

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Learn to build your own membership community and get paid to do what you love. Become a Lifestyle Business Creator today!


The Skool Games

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38 contributions to Creators Hub
Where do I select to post my intro video on YouTube?
New comment 5h ago
0 likes • 5h
@Sani Martin sorry I missed this. Glad you were able to figure it out.
Introduce Yourself 👋
Hi there, Welcome to the introductions thread in the Creators Hub! I'm thrilled to have you here. Everyone joins this community for different reasons—maybe it's the courses, bonuses, or live trainings. But what you'll find even more valuable is the sense of community and support here. By sharing your introduction, you'll not only forge lifelong connections but also receive recognition for your achievements and support along the way. 🌟 How to Get Started: 1. Introduce Yourself: Reply to this post with: - Your Name: Example: "Hi, I'm Emily!" - Your YouTube Channel: Example: "Hello, I'm Emily! I run a lifestyle YouTube channel where I share tips and inspiration on sustainable living, minimalist fashion, and eco-friendly home decor. Additionally, I offer consulting services to help businesses implement sustainable practices." - Your Goals in Creators Hub: Example: "I'm eager to explore new strategies for growing my YouTube channel and connecting with fellow creators who share similar interests. Additionally, I'm excited to learn more about monetization techniques and how to build a sustainable online business." 2. Engage with Others: Reply to at least one other introduction to start networking. This small step can open doors to new collaborations and insights! 3. Create Your Own Post (Optional): If you're up for it, you can also create your own post and tag it with the "Introductions" category. This allows you to engage with other members who visit your profile and see your post. Template for Your Introduction: 1. What's your name? 2. What type of content do you create on your YouTube channel? 3. What are you most excited to discover or explore in the Creators Hub? Feel free to leave your introduction as a comment in this post. If you create your own post, make sure to tag it with the "Introductions" category.
New comment 4d ago
Introduce Yourself 👋
3 likes • Apr 30
@Alyssa Aviles welcome! You will do absolutely amazing with your own Skool community. Your tik tok lives are great and I’ve taking many notes from your funnel and Canva designs.
1 like • 4d
@Torbjörn Strand welcome! Having a channel like that where you can get things off your mind is wonderful. Creating content for yourself versus trying to feed the algorithm is refreshing. You’re in the right place in learning how to create a community where back and forth communication is important for you. Now speaking of thumbnail design, I made a video that might give you some ideas. Check it out: Thanks for sharing.
Jumpstart Your YouTube Journey: Create a "Life Lessons and Stories" Playlist!
Hey Creator! Are you still on the fence about creating your first video on your YouTube channel? 🤔 I've got the perfect solution for you! 🎥 Introducing the "Life Lessons and Stories" Playlist! Start by creating a playlist called "Life Lessons and Stories" and use it as your launching pad. In my latest video, I walk you through everything you need to get started, including a set of 15 questions from my guide that will help you craft your content effortlessly. 📚 What You'll Learn: • Why starting with a "Life Lessons and Stories" playlist is a great idea • How to set up your YouTube channel • Planning your content with a 15-question roadmap • Tips for recording your videos with confidence • Uploading and optimizing your videos • Promoting your channel to reach your audience 📥 Download Your Free Guide & Worksheet: I've created a comprehensive guide and worksheet to help you every step of the way. Download it here: 👉 Remember, you don't have to publish these videos right away. The goal is to get you started with creating your first videos and get into the habit of making content. Don't miss out on this opportunity to kickstart your YouTube journey and create content that truly matters. Watch the video, download the guide, and let's start building your legacy together! 🌟 Watch Now: Legacy Videos Keep creating and sharing your amazing stories!
Jumpstart Your YouTube Journey: Create a "Life Lessons and Stories" Playlist!
How to Build Your Personal Brand on YouTube (Over 40+) Without Fancy Editing!
Hey there! 😊 I'm excited to share my latest video where I guide you through the essentials of building a strong personal brand on YouTube, especially if you're over 40 and want to avoid complicated editing processes. Key Points Covered: 1. Defining Your Niche: • Understand your unique selling points and areas of expertise. • Examples and tips on how to narrow down your focus. 2. Staying Consistent & Authentic: • Tips for maintaining a regular upload schedule. • How to stay true to your personality and voice. 3. Creating a Visual Identity: • Simple yet effective ways to design your channel art and thumbnails. • Examples of my own branding journey. Why No Fancy Editing? The no-fancy-editing approach means creating content with minimal or no post-production. This method focuses on recording in a single take, embracing authenticity, and saving time on production. Watch the video now and let’s get started! 🎬 [Click Here] If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below or start a new discussion thread! P.S. If you’re interested in more advanced strategies and personalized coaching, consider joining the waitlist for my Lifestyle Business Creator community. You'll get exclusive access to in-depth training, resources, and one-on-one support. Join the Waitlist Here Happy creating! 🚀 James
How to Build Your Personal Brand on YouTube (Over 40+) Without Fancy Editing!
Top 10 YouTube SEO Tips for 2024
Struggling to get your YouTube videos noticed? These SEO tips will help you rank higher and attract more viewers! To improve your YouTube SEO, focus on keyword research, optimize your titles and descriptions, use engaging thumbnails, and promote your videos across social media platforms. YouTube SEO is crucial for getting your videos in front of a larger audience. Here are some essential tips to help you improve your ranking. 1. Keyword Research: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or TubeBuddy to find relevant keywords. Focus on long-tail keywords with lower competition but sufficient search volume. 2. Optimized Titles and Descriptions: Include your main keyword in the title and description, but keep it natural. Make sure your title is engaging and your description provides detailed information about the video content. 3. Engaging Thumbnails: Create eye-catching thumbnails that encourage clicks. Use bright colors, clear text, and compelling images to attract viewers. 4. Tags: Use a mix of broad and specific tags related to your video content. This helps YouTube understand what your video is about and improves its discoverability. 5. Transcriptions: Add transcriptions and closed captions to your videos. This improves accessibility and allows YouTube to better understand your video content. 6. User Engagement: Encourage viewers to like, comment, and subscribe. High engagement signals to YouTube that your video is valuable and should be promoted more. 7. Video Length: Aim for a video length of 7-15 minutes. This is typically the sweet spot for maintaining viewer interest while providing valuable content. 8. Consistency: Upload videos regularly. Consistency helps build an audience and signals to YouTube that your channel is active. 9. Promotion: Share your videos on social media, forums, and relevant online communities to increase visibility and drive traffic. 10. Analytics: Regularly review your YouTube analytics to understand what’s working and what’s not. Adjust your strategy based on performance data.
1-10 of 38
James Delong
15points to level up
Lifestyle Business Creator

Active 3h ago
Joined Feb 13, 2024
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