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Notion for Productivity

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4 contributions to Notion for Productivity
New Version: PB 3.1 [Live!]
Hey Productive People, unfortunately recent Notion updates messed with the way my synced blocks are duplicated into a new workspace for the PB template. It was bugging out and not letting people install, so I created a new version 3.1. Old versions weren't duplicating properly so I've removed them and uploaded 3.1 as a stable version... here's a quick changelog: - Changed "Actions" nomenclature to "Tasks" - After many requests I brought back the favorite "Highs" and "Lows" databases - Added quick capture for goals, notes and areas. - Removed components functionality and synced blocks that caused the bug that wasn't allowing duplication or sharing of those blocks. - Cleaned up the process page and made it one central component with 4 tabs for processing everything in your system. - Updated video guides showing how to utilize these systems best! - And many more small fixes/changes. You can check out the new Install Guide in the Classroom tab if you'd like to upgrade or install a fresh copy. If you guys find any issues or have questions let me know. Thanks, Productive Dude
New comment Mar '24
1 like • Aug '23
@Carter Surach Hey, Carter! It has been a while since I have posted here, but I would also be very interested in learning the fundamentals, and how the database is created and maintained. That would make future migration substantially easier in my eyes. Thank you, man!
Welcome to Productive People! Introduce Yourself Here! 👋
Welcome to the Productive People private community. Here's a list of ways you can connect with others in the group! :) - Leave a comment below sharing what you do for work. Include a picture of your desk/set-up for the day. Even if you're at the beach getting some self care or you're at a coffee shop working away. - DM another member and introduce yourself if you want to get to know them. (Lets make lots of valuable connections with this group!)
Complete action
New comment Dec '24
1 like • Jul '23
@Drake Surach Awesome! Thank you Drake! I’m going to look into it
1 like • Jul '23
@Carter Surach sweet man! thank you so much!
What is your favorite routine view in Productive Brain 3.0?
I personally love the plan routine, especially if you integrate with Google calender... it's oh so sweet! 💯
18 members have voted
New comment Jul '23
2 likes • Jul '23
I cannot wait to implement the Google Calendar functionality. That was always the disconnect that prevented me from fully utilizing the Productive Brain.
0 likes • Jul '23
@Carter Surach I’m super excited
Leave suggestions for Productive Brain here. ✨
I never assume I'm the smartest person in the room. If you have suggestions to make my template or this community better please leave them in the suggestions category. 🥂 Stay productive, Carter
New comment Jul '23
2 likes • Jul '23
I also think that one of the absolute biggest downfalls was using the Productive Brain 2.0 on an iPad Pro. The responsiveness was a massive issue, and the sizing and framing was ruined. I definitely need to watch the video you’ve posted. More improvements for this would be life changing!
2 likes • Jul '23
This is probably incredibly dumb to ask, but as far as future development goes, wouldn’t two way Todoist integration be cool?! I wish that would be possible. Potentially importing tasks from Todoist and they fall under “process” One more helpful thing for others may also be a 3 way Kanban view, with “To-Do”, “In-Progress” and “Completed.” I’m pretty sure you already thought that through with “Stuck” and “Incomplete”. Sorry! Wanted to find out more about that.
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Jake OMalley
45points to level up
I’m someone who loves being compassionate, and kind. I’m studying how to be a better person. I also love computers, and Volvo cars.

Active 544d ago
Joined Jul 9, 2023
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