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2 contributions to Business Automation Academy
Which would be more enticing...
As I'm revamping the Academy this week/weekend, I want to entice people to join or upgrade. So my question is this, which one would be most enticing to you? (if you have other suggestions, please let me know in the comments)
5 members have voted
New comment Apr 24
1 like • Apr 24
An "All of the Above" option would get my vote 👍🏽
[Start Here 🔥] Welcome To The Business Automation Academy
Hi! Welcome to the Business Automation Academy. Be sure to READ THIS ENTIRE POST. 👉 I put people's businesses on steroids... 💪 And this group is specifically for solo- and parent-preneurs who want to build a business that allows them to have more time, more money and more impact, so they don't have to hustle 24/7 or hire & manage big teams of people. Everything shared here is to show how to structure and largely automate your business in a way that doesn't require you to work more hours or hire more people. To build a sustainable business like this, you need 3 things: 1. Optimised Business Processes: strong processes in your business to streamline your operations 2. Strategic Systems: the right systems provide the strong foundation to scale your business 3. Automated Workflows: automations to do the heavy lifting for you (it's like having a team of 10 people working 24/7 in the background... without the hassle of having to manage them 🤣) The Smart Scaling System™ That's the Smart Scaling Formula! 👌🏽 Optimised Processes + Strategic Systems + Smart Automations™ = the life and business of your dreams 😎 This is a safe space and you'll get out of it what you put into it. (If you abuse this group or spam people, you will receive a lifetime ban.) Discover how to unlock everything here. And to kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself (✄ copy/paste template 👇). Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from and who do you work with? #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? #3 - What area of your business would you like to automate first? #4 - For fun what do you like to do? #5 - Drop a photo of your office space or where you like to work from. I'll go first... #1 - My name is Michael Kittinger, I am a former financial advisor (specializing in corporate retirement plans) turned entrepreneur and coach in 2016. I have 4 kiddos and focus on serving online solopreneurs and parentpreneurs (entrepreneurs with kids). Born in Los Angeles and raised and live in Alabama - talk about a culture shock LOL.
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11 members have voted
New comment Apr 27
0 likes • Mar 8
Thanks @Michael Kittinger Happy Friday to you too. Been a realtor for many years. Love the tech side of things more than most realtors and currently wrapping my head around the learning curve of GHL and ZC for lead generation and appointment setting.
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Eric Eaton
4points to level up
I'm excited to getting more done in less time and providing an exceptional experience for my clients.

Active 19h ago
Joined Mar 4, 2024
Toronto East, Durham Region
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