💬 Introduce Yourself! (Start Here💉🔥)
Hello and Welcome to the Phlebotomy Gemz Group. 👉 This community helps phlebotomy entrepreneurs and other medical profressionals get the tools and resources needed to start their phlebotomy business journey and make an impact on the world with mobile medicine. Step 1. Introduce yourself below 👇 Where are you from? 🏙️ What are you currently working on with your phlebotomy business? 🧠 What immediate help do you need? 🤯 Step 2. Discover how to unlock all of the classroom resources _________ Best practiced in this mobile phlebotomy community : Points 🌟 You earn points when other phlebotomist like your posts or comments. 1 like = 1 point. This encourages users to produce quality content and interact with other phlebotomy members in the phlebotomy community. Levels 📊 As you gain points, you level up. Your level is shown at the bottom right of your avatar. The number of points required to get to the next level is shown under your avatar on your profile page. So let's jumpstart to Level 2 , introduce yourself on the phlebotomy threads below 👇 Click Here