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Created by Anton

FA Success Syndicate

Private • 513 • Free

FASS is for top advisors to have the experts they need in one community, including M&A, successions, business coaching, CPA partnerships, and more.


Fusion Mastermind

Private • 89 • Paid

Elite Catalyst

Private • 305 • Paid

Skool Community

Public • 71k • Paid

Forward Accounting Community

Private • 145 • Paid

Financial Collaborators

Private • 539 • $99/m

Elite VFO Community

Private • 333 • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 11.6k • Free

30 contributions to Skool Community
Skool's roadmap — what's coming soon
Here's our roadmap. The image below shows you what's in progress and what's up next. In the last 60-days we shipped: Group landing pages, iPhone app, Android app, inline classroom editor, action posts + pin post to module. The next 60-days are going to be just as intense. We're just getting started 🔥
New comment 7d ago
8 likes • Jun '23
Great work. Clearly can see the increased speed given the growing team of programmers. Exciting times!
2 likes • Mar 21
@Sally How we use Wistia currently and it avoids that issue.
Affiliate Tracking Tools?
I'd like to encourage my community members to introduce people to us. Currently we just drive them to a landing page w/ a short video, then a calendly link w/ a box that says, "Who did you hear about us from?" where they enter our member's name. I want to make this a much bigger push for 2024 and would love to know what tools or software others have used to create a better system where the tracking is done in a better way and the members have a dashboard they can login to see their activity. Any suggestions?
New comment Jan 30
New to Skool. Who dis?
New comment 5d ago
3 likes • Jan 11
My friend sent me a screenshot of Alex‘s Instagram post today, yes, he’s old and doesn’t know how to send an actual post on Instagram so he sent me a screenshot, but the news stopped me in my tracks. Was pumped to see it. Great strategic move on all sides. Can’t wait to hear how this impacts future plans.
Where Is the Skool Team?
I haven't heard any updates from the Skool team, i really miss the Q&A Calls plus the new feature drops. Any plan to get back to this? I love skool! We just want updates :) If such recent updates have been announced can someone point me to the right post and I'll delete this asap 🎄
New comment Jan 5
0 likes • Jan 5
@Sam Ovens I had a feeling that was the case!
How 63 Hours of Boring Work Can Get You 1M+ Subs on YouTube
Context: I built my YouTube channel in the coding/programming niche to 1m+ subs and did $5m+ with an education channel (Clever Programmer). I wrote this to primarily share with my friends in a small group but thought it was valuable, got @Sam Ovens 's permission to post it, so here it is. Hope it brings you value. I was just going through and reviewing some of my best performing content and I realized something fascinating. Out of the 800 videos on my channel... Only about 20-30 of them helped me get around 1m+ subscribers. I kept studying those videos and seeing how those videos got me millions of views, subs, and thousands of leads for my business. These videos that drive crazy results I call them "bangers". If you study most top channels, 90% of their subs come from the 10% of the bangers. So here are some interesting insights from just one of those videos (i put the picture below). This video got almost ~400,000 views. Drove 7.6k+ subs. Got me nearly 10k+ leads. Resulted in nearly $100,000+ revenue. But the really fascinating part is exactly how much WORK it took me to make one of these videos. and luckily I discovered that when I worked on this video back in July 2022, I kept records and logged every single hour I put into this video (whether I was prepping vs. shooting the content, how many hours each day, etc). I basically logged all my activity and looking at it now... It's like an absolute gold mine. Here's what I found in terms of the work I put into this... [picture with the work graph below] Total time: 63 hours Days: 11 It took me 40 hours of preparation in total and 23 hours total to shoot. Preparation: 63% Shooting: 36% I blocked off everything on my calendar during that time. I did nothing else but focus singularly on this course. Even with that said… Notice how the average day was 5 hours. There were a few days where there was MINIMAL work I was doing. I even took a day fully off to rest & recover.
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Oct '23
Solid man - thank you for sharing! Appreciate it.
1-10 of 30
Anton Anderson
61points to level up
CEO - Elite Resource Team Father Husband Surfer

Active 13h ago
Joined Apr 7, 2022
San Diego, California
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