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Recently, I shut down my coaching business. Like for real. This is the biggest change I have ever made in my career, and in this video I explain why I did it, what comes next, and how it may affect you. I also talk about AI, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Selling & Skills, and the future of technology. Get details on the Sales Training Offer: Subscribe On YouTube: Follow On Twitter: Subscribe To The Newsletter:
New comment Feb '23
🔴 WELCOME + START HERE: 3-Steps To Complete Your Registration + Get Started
Welcome To The Highly Paid Coaches Community! . 👉 Please watch this video and complete the next steps! . ✅ IF YOU PURCHASED A TICKET TO A LIVE WORKSHOP:👇 . 1️⃣ Watch this welcome video in its entirety. At the end of this video I show you where the recordings will be hosted. . 2️⃣ Go to the CALENDAR Tab, find the workshop you purchased, and add it to your calendar. We will text you the access link 1 hour before we go live (We also send out reminders!) . 3️⃣ Make a post in this group with your NAME, WHAT YOU SELL, and WHAT YOUR #1 PROBLEM IS. make sure to tag me - @Josh Forti - so I get notified. . 4️⃣ Checkout the CLASSROOM to get a jump start on what we teach! . . ✅ IF YOU DID NOT PURCHASE A TICKET / ARE HERE FOR THE FREE GROUP/COMMUNITY. . 1️⃣ Watch this welcome video and learn about how this group is setup! 2️⃣ Make a post in this group with your NAME, WHAT YOU SELL, and WHAT YOUR #1 PROBLEM IS. make sure to tag me - @Josh Forti - so I get notified. . 3️⃣ Checkout the CLASSROOM area for our 5 Day onboarding that will show you how to raise your price, increase your income, and make up to $100k in a day as a coach! . I am so excited to have you here, and help you escape scarcity, step into abundance, and set yourself free as an entrepreneur and a coach! It is completely possible, and I will show you how! . Welcome to the group!
New comment Feb '23
The $100k Payday Workshop Intensive (Ticket Details)
Hey everyone, please read this post to understand what is coming next! This Saturday, we are doing our next "$100k Payday Workshop Intensive." 💵 This will be some really serious stuff that is covered, not just beginner level, and will be a 4-Hour deep dive into how to build a wildly profitable coaching offer and make $100k in a day with it. We will cover: - ✅ 1. How To Create Event Based High-Ticket ($10k-$25k) Offers Your Students Will Find The Money To Buy. (This is what really helped my business get to the million dollar mark.) - ✅ 2. My $100k Payday System You Can Steal To Enroll 5, 10, even 20 High-Ticket Students At Time. (This isn't my opinion. This is what all of our top clients & students use daily in their business.) - ✅ 3. How To "Borrow Audiences" To Get Unlimited Ready To Buy Traffic & Students Without Ads. (I know it sounds too good to be true, but this is how I built a million dollar business with ZERO ads.) This is a PAID workshop, and you will need to purchase a ticket if you would like to attend! 👉 You can get your ticket here: You also get access to the recordings, have the ability to ask me a question, AND get a copy of my funnel I use to promote workshops. The recordings will be uploaded to this group, but ONLY people that have a ticket will be able to access and watch the recordings, and attend live. Now, as for the future of this group...👇 Moving forward this group will be the "HUB" for "Highly Paid Coaches." This will act as our free community, and the place where we will continue to build our movement. HOWEVER, we have the ability to limit who sees/gets access to to which content in the classroom. You will always be able to access the community for free, BUT you only get access to the recordings of the content/workshop that you purchase tickets to! If you purchase your ticket to this weekends workshop, you will also get access to the previous recordings (so you can study them) as well as the funnel I use to promote workshops.
We are ending the 5 Day $100k Workshop with a BANG! FHL Speaker & 8 Figure Entrepreneur Joe Giglietti is coming in for a special presentation today! He is going to share his secrets for fulfilling with leverage, and how to close high-ticket deals! Joe is one of the most transformational & passionate speakers I have ever met. Let's goooo!
New comment Oct '22
Hey gang! I am SO excited for day 4! This is the most important day because it will bring CLARITY. This ties everything together, and shows you how we sell it! It starts in 1 hour - see you there!
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Learn The Path To Becoming A Highly Paid Coach, Master The Skill Of Communication, And Make $100k Days A Reality.
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