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You Said "YES" 💍! (Start here)
Now be bold! Hey 👋 , I just want to remind you that you gave me a big “YES" when you joined! Lol Some simply said yes and some were supper pumped and said "HELL YEAAAH". Let’s get you engaged now! And let the GAME begin! (Next read my pinned post about “THE GAME”) what are your top 3 struggles when creating or growing your community on Skool?" P.S. my top classes unlock when you get points by engagement. Check the leaderboard to learn how!
New comment Feb '24
You Said "YES" 💍! (Start here)
What is THE GAME? The great online game we are all playing!
We all play the great online game! The Game rewards community and cooperation over individualism and competition. You get points for being curious, sharing, and helping with no expectation of reciprocation. By increasing your surface area, you’re opening yourself up to serendipity. For good actors, the Game has nearly unlimited upside, and practically no downside. The best games, according to gaming entrepreneur turned top solo investor Josh Buckley, “are creating spaces that bring you into flow.” Buckley went on to lay out four elements of successful game design: 1. Frequent Feedback Loops 2. Variable Outcomes  3. Sense of Control 4. Connection to a Meta-Game All four are present in the Great Online Game, none more importantly than the connection to the meta-game. Getting good at the Great Online Game makes seemingly absurd things happen. Your business icon? In your DMs. That person whose videos you don’t miss? Just reached out for a collab. Your dream job? Reaching out to you to tell you why Company X might be a fit. A finite player seeks power; the infinite one displays self-sufficient strength. Finite games are theatrical, necessitating an audience; infinite ones are dramatic, involving participants... The Great Online Game is an infinite video game that plays out constantly across the internet. It uses many of the mechanics of a video game, but removes the boundaries. You’re no longer playing as an avatar in Fortnite or Roblox; you’re playing as yourselfacross Twitter, YouTube, Discords, work, projects, and investments. People who play the Great Online Game rack up points, skills, and attributes that they can apply across their digital and physical lives. Some people even start pseudonymous and parlay their faceless brilliance into jobs and money. The Game rewards community and cooperation over individualism and competition. You get points for being curious, sharing, and helping with no expectation of reciprocation. By increasing your surface area, you’re opening yourself up to serendipity. For good actors, the Game has nearly unlimited upside, and practically no downside.
New comment Jan '24
What is THE GAME? The great online game we are all playing!
Business acquisition
I recently just ventured into the world business acquisitions, I intend to share my journey with you all once I close on my first acquisition.
Start advice needed!
Hey guys! I have some questions. I am thinking of making a community in the future. I like playing the guitar a lot, an thought about making the community about that. I think it is good to first get a good yt-channel first and later on make the community. My questions are: 1) How do you blow up your Youtube channel? (Only if you think that a yt-channel is needed. If you don't think that it's needed, please say so) 2) Is it smart to make my community on skool, or are there other, better (and with better I mostly mean cheaper, because I don't have much money) options for me? 3) When should I make my community? From the start, by 1000 subs, 10000 subs, 100000 subs?
New comment Feb '24
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$100M Systems
This FREE community helps Skoolers to implement $100M systems with:
-Games , Cases and WINs
-Tools and Techniques (Skool growth)
-Constant Motivation
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