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Created by Regan

The School of Alchemy

Private β€’ 116 β€’ Free

The School of Alchemy is dedicated to the physical, mental, and spiritual development of its members.


Success Coaching

Private β€’ 20 β€’ $1/m

4 contributions to Skool Community
Native Audio Player?
Is there any likelihood we will see support for audio only files that can be embedded into courses? I have a training system that is best completed using stereo headphones and no visuals, but there is currently not a very good way to do this using the skool platform. There are a couple workarounds, but none of them are optimal. For example, uploading them as audio resources is limited to less than 100MB (some of my files are closer to 200MB). Uploading them as "videos" (e.g., via YouTube) without visual component doesn't allow continuous play when the app is closed. I would really appreciate if this feature was added in the future, is there any chance??
New comment 12d ago
User Course Data...
@Sid Sahasrabuddhe and super amazing team at skool. As we go through the process of reviewing our user data and looking at churn causes, we want to understand at what point from a course experience our members are most likely to exit. While I can see my own participation rate inside courses, I'm not sure where I can determine where a particular user is or collectively where the community may be in terms of their utilization of the resources. Is there a way that I can access this information? Thank you. ~ Patrick
New comment Nov '23
0 likes β€’ Nov '23
@Lotfi Drif having this information would massively help identify who needs greater engagement and encouragement. This is not so easily done at scale without some important insights. These data are critical to provide the level of engagement you recommend. Besides, it does seem as though Skool has this data, because it's possible to go into their profile and see the coarse grained completion rates. I hope this kind of data and feature becomes available in the not-too-distant future, because without it, it's hard to provide intimacy at scale.
0 likes β€’ Nov '23
@Lotfi Drif I don't disagree with what you're saying, but at a certain level of data literacy, this information is gold. Both in terms of the ability to turn analytics into income and in ability to serve your community (which is ultimately what people are paying us for).
Tracking user course progress and completion
Love the platform guys, truly a revolution in online learning! I assume there are tonnes of features planned, but would really love to be able to keep track of students completed lessons. It's technically possible currently by going into their profile, but it's not a very easy (or scalable) way to monitor progress. Ideally, we could track course progress with webhooks or an API that allowed Zapier integrations. I'd love to keep track of student info and progress in my own backend DB. A feature like this would help us prevent churn and better deliver personalised communications. Is this likely to happen, even if in some distant future? Thanks team!
New comment Jan 5
Notifications for New Member Requests
Hi team, one feature that would be amazingly helpful is a direct message or email to admins when someone requests to join the community. Is this possible, or in the works? Love your work so far guys, this platform is amazing πŸ’ͺ
New comment Apr 4
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Regan Gallagher
43points to level up
Neuroscientist. Entrepreneur. Mentor.

Active 3h ago
Joined Sep 28, 2023
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