World of DeFi
Private group
60 members
Hey there!
Are you excited about finance and/or crypto?
Well, then join our community of Decentralized Finance!
In this community we talk about everything there is to know about DeFi.
Some things that resonate with you and could help you on your path:
  • Setup your first wallet (Metamask, Rabby, Leap, Keplr, Sui...)
  • Get to know the difference between CEX and DEX
  • Find and buy tokens that are not mainstream yet
  • Find hidden gems in the DeFi world
  • Farm Airdrops
  • All-in-one Calendar for important events
  • Talk about your strategies, gains, pool APRs and more!
Let's make DeFi less mysterious and more accessible to the general public together!
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World of DeFi
Private group
Let's make DeFi less mysterious and more accessible to the general public together!
Everything on how to create a wallet, to farming airdrops...
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