Live Call - How to beat procrastination
Do you get stuck falling into the same procrastination traps that side track you and keep you from getting done the things you want to get done and the things you know you need to get done?
Are you frustrated with yourself that you don't always get the important things done, because you are distracted, sidetracked, or procrastinate on unimportant stuff?
In today's call I will share with you why we procrastinate and how to be focused when you want to or need to.
The call starts at 12pm Eastern time and will be about 20-30 minutes.
This will be a zoom meeting, so you can ask questions.
This is the first zoom call for the Unstoppable Morning group. This is exciting because you are the first ones in the group before I start sending out emails and invites for future calls to help the group grow.
See you soon,
Here is the link:
Password: dreambig
Croix Sather
Live Call - How to beat procrastination
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