Unified Mindfulness
1.7k members
Welcome to the free Unified Mindfulness Community!
Here you'll find free resources, guided meditations, and discussions covering a wide-range of UM's 40 standard techniques, so you can experience UM first-hand while supporting your mindfulness journey - whether you're brand-new or have decades of practice experience. If you're interested in teaching, we offer certification courses to equip you with the skills to teach UM, too.
UM uses clear terminology and precise techniques that are perfect for growing a mindfulness practice based on your personal goals and interests. This system shines in practice in daily life, but it also provides a comprehensive support structure if you'd like to swim the deep end of the pool ;-)
Trusted by institutions like Harvard Medical School and Carnegie Mellon, UM is utilized in research across neuroscience, psychology, and clinical sciences.
Ready to join our global community? Click the link to request access, and let's start this journey together!
Unified Mindfulness
❤️ Explore the UM System, with 40 standard meditation techniques + infinite ways to customize your practice goals. Join us!
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