Write something
Let's talk about limitations
As a community welcoming to authors living with limitations, I'd love to start a conversation about your limitations and how you've developed your writing, editing, and publishing processes in collaboration with those limitations. I say "in collaboration" because I've witnessed so many authors, in the several years I've worked for author communities, go through cycles of being challenged by their limitations, and then positively collaborating with them to create the work that is most meaningful to them. So... let's talk about limitations and your processes!
New comment 11h ago
Introductions ⭐
This is the introduction thread. Say hi, tell us where you’re from and what your writing is all about! In your introduction, answer these 4 questions: ➡️ What is your name (preferred pronouns as well, if you don't mind) ➡️ Why did you decide to join The Unexpected Shape Café? ➡️ What is your favorite book? ➡️ What are you interested in writing about? We can’t wait to meet you! If you'd like to share anything else as well, feel free! And welcome!
New comment 11h ago
Introductions ⭐
Writing Tools
What are some of everyone’s favorite writing tools—pens, pencils, programs, things to help focus, etc.? Over the last few years I’ve found myself incredibly fond of .25mm pens because I press so hard on the page (I think it may be a mobility thing), but I also love Evernote. I’m not good at keeping organized, but I find the notes less intimidating than a Word doc.
New comment 5d ago
Prioritise your writing
How do you make sure you get your writing done on a regular basis? Do you block time, and do things tend to get in the way? Do you write in short bursts whenever little pockets of time open up throughout the day? I find it kind of hard. The way everything else can seem more urgent and "I'll just do the writing later" then before you know it a whole month has passed 😅 And it isn't only time-sensitive tasks taking over, there's also fluctuating chronic illness and the many unexpected demands that come with it. What seems to work best for me are hour-long online writing sessions. I can't do early morning ones, and sometimes I can only do half the session, but I like writing with other people. I put on café sounds in the background (from Youtube) and it reminds me of the writing I used to do in cafés before I was so ill. I used to write outside the house a lot but now I can no longer do that it's been so hard. Share your tactics!
Who is still active?
There are way fewer interactions and I haven't heard from Esmé or Dan for quite some time. I feel invested in this community so I'm still hoping it can turn around.
New comment 26d ago
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The Unexpected Shape Café
A no-cost space for ambitious writers living with limitations to talk about their dreams, frustrations, and questions as they pursue the writing life.
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