Learn Photography with Trent
Private group
117 members
$47 /month
Improve your wildlife and nature photography with personal image critiques from both myself and the group, online courses (more coming soon), and occasional live zoom meetings! You’ll join an engaged group of photographers across a variety of skill levels, all looking to learn.
My degree in fine art helped me master the artistic aspects of photography, including the elements of art, and principles of design. I'll help you however I can to improve the overall quality and impact of the photos you create!
If you'd like to skip the monthly subscription, send me an email for pricing on one year or a lifetime subscription.
If you’ve booked a Yellowstone trip with me already, send me an email to join for free.
Privacy and terms
Improve your wildlife/nature photography with critiques, courses (soon), and live zoom calls. If you’ve booked Yellowstone, email me to join free.
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