The Healing Blueprint
Private group
210 members
$39 /month
Restore your health naturally and unlock the power of self-healing through detoxification. This is the exact blueprint to address chronic symptoms and conditions at the root cause.
The Healing Blueprint guides you through:
  • Removing waste from the blood, bowels & lymphatic system
  • Rebalance the gut microbiome by cleansing parasites, fungus and bad bacteria
  • High-level cleansing through fasting protocols (juice fast, mono fast, master cleanse, etc.)
  • How to live life after detox (seasonal cleansing, regular parasite protocols)
In this community you'll have access to:
→ Live coaching sessions 4x per week
→ 12 week full body detox protocol (including recipes, food guides and herbal formulas)
→ Super interactive/supportive detox community
→ Workshops with Tori and other practitioners (cooking classes, yoga, holistic skin care, etc.)
Price raises back up to $69 per month after we start detox!
Privacy and terms
The Healing Blueprint
Restore your health naturally and unlock the power of self-healing through detoxification.
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