Dharma Circle
Private group
197 members
Ready to step into your wildly nourishing life of soul purpose?
In this community you’ll learn how to be confident and clear about your unique soul gifts and ancestral contract so you can step into a wildly nourishing life of soul purpose.
Here’s How We’ll Do It:
✅ Embodied Vedic Astrology: Strengthen your intuition, embodied wisdom, and soul purpose.
✅ Sensitivity Points: Awaken the wisdom and gifts within your sensitive, wise body.
✅ Ancestral Contract & Soul Duty: Clarify your unique role in healing your lineage.
✅ Transform Your Shadow: Unlock the mysteries of your shadow to access deep soul nourishment.
🎁 My Embodied Jyotish Mini Course so you can use your Jyotish chart for transformation and healing.
🎁 A free clarity call with Saraswati
🎁 Special resources, tools, and guidance for your dharmic path.
👉 Join the Dharma Circle For Free Now & Step Into A Wildly Fulfilling Life Embodying Your Soul Purpose.
Dharma Circle
Create a wildly nourishing and fulfilling life by embodying your dharma.
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