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TheSuperMOM24/7Club Newsletter is happening in 21 hours
2nd Contest of 2025
Reminder - 1 major purpose of this group is to engage with each other! How many of you are new moms? Comment below. How many of you are a mom multiple times? Comment below. When did you decide that you wanted to be a mom? Comment below. To win this month's contest - - you have to have introduced yourself in the Introduce Yourself tab. - Commented on at least 20 other people's posts - Invited at least 2 new moms into the group - Started a post about how to make this group better. What you will win - a FREE 1 hour session with a certified life coach! (Value $150) Remember Opportunities Come Every Day! Prepare to receive your next opportunity! Love from SuperMOM247
New comment 31m ago
2nd Contest of 2025
The SuperMOMs 24/7 Club Newsletter Issue# 247-114-2025
The newest newsletter has dropped in your email inbox yesterday! Did you see it? Here's an excerpt from it... Love Grows in the little things you do. Changing diapers, waking up in the middle of the night to tend to a crying baby, washing bottles, cleaning dirty dishes, preparing meals, loads of laundry - washing - drying - folding and this was only during the first week of your child’s life! You did not get paid for all this hard work and yes it is hard work coming from exhausted moms and dads. That’s what makes you SUPER! It’s these little things you do that you think nothing of because it just has to get done. You do these little things out of love because these are the seeds you sow because as you sow these seeds you begin to see the love that grows! Some moms love to cook. Some moms love to bake. Some moms love to clean. Some moms love to sing. Some moms love to read. Some moms love to knit. All SuperMOMs love to sow! Sow seeds of love into their children. SuperMOMs, What is your favorite little thing you do for your children?
New comment 4d ago
The SuperMOMs 24/7 Club Newsletter Issue# 247-114-2025
What is the SuperMOMs 24/7 Club?
The SuperMOMs 24/7 Club IS for moms all over the world from the early days of their children's lives to the time they are no longer a mom (PS it never ends!) find camaraderie and friendship with other moms feeling like they are alone in this journey of motherhood! 🦸‍♀️ Working moms 🦸‍♀️ WFHM work-from-home moms 🦸‍♀️ Special Needs Moms 🦸‍♀️ SAHM Stay-at-Home Moms 🦸‍♀️ Disabled Moms 🦸‍♀️ Loving Moms 🦸‍♀️ All Kinds of Moms! This Club is NOT for > Judgemental moms > Unhelpful moms > Mean moms Please introduce yourself to the club so that we can learn a little bit about you and others can feel that you are approachable! Feel free to share a picture of you with or without and your littles! Also let the group know what you are hoping to gain from this group! Super MOMs Unite!
New comment Oct '24
🌟 Raising Responsible Little Humans 🌟 Mamas, we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, but one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is a sense of responsibility. 💖 From the moment they can walk, they watch us—how we handle challenges, how we show up even when we're tired, how we take care of our home, our work, and our loved ones. They are learning from us, every single day. Teaching responsibility isn’t about burdening them—it’s about empowering them. 🦸‍♀️💪 A small chore today is a lesson in self-sufficiency tomorrow. A gentle reminder to clean up after themselves is the foundation of accountability in their future. So when your little one spills their milk, let them help clean it up. When they leave their toys out, guide them to put them away. When they see you working hard, explain to them why effort and persistence matter. These small moments? They add up. ❤️ One day, they will be strong, independent, and responsible because of the seeds you're planting right now. And when they stand tall in their own lives, they will have YOU to thank. You're not just raising children—you’re raising future leaders, problem solvers, and compassionate souls. 🌍✨ Keep going, Super Mom. The lessons you're teaching today will shape their tomorrows. 💬 What’s one small responsibility you’ve given your child that has made a difference? Share in the comments! ❤️ Wishing you all a blessed day 🥰
New comment 3h ago
1st Winner for 2025!!!
The winner for the first contest of 2025 is @Chris Cuhsnick ! Congrats Chris! You win a FREE 1 hour coaching session with a certified life coach!! Who will win next month!?!?!?
New comment 3h ago
1st Winner for 2025!!!
1-30 of 213
The SuperMOMs 24/7 Club
The SuperMOMs 24/7 Club IS for moms from the early days of their children's lives to the time they are no longer a mom-it never ends
Super MOMs Unite!
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