The Peaky Pines Community
Private group
186 members
To be able to see a place, and go to it. ❀️
To see people I wanna talk to, and go talk to them.
To laugh at things that once made me feel anxious, fearful, overthink or be miserable.
To be able to intentionally quiet my mind.
To walk around the world just looking at stuff and exploring.
Not holding myself back by carefully considering things that don't need to be considered.
Being able to take rejection and be fine with it.
Not staying stuck in my head or ruminating in anxious loops.
To be healthy in mind, soul and body. To feel light and able to make a change or do a thing just by deciding I want to.
To have no internal resistance to saying how I really feel. I will not intentionally hurt others that way, but I will do what's right.
To listen to people without internally making it about myself, but actually seeing them.
To live,
The Peaky Pines Community. 🌎
P.S. 08/06/24, 1:34pm, Melbourne: I teared up reading a high-effort post by Danica about "Discipline".
Good people.
The Peaky Pines Community
Overcoming anxiety and overthinking. Connection. Philosophy. Loving. Living by your values and just enjoying life πŸ‘
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