The Canvas Vandals
31 members
$15 /month
Welcome to THE Canvas Vandals!🎨
We help aspiring spray paint artists like you express yourself through spray paint art & make your first dollar doing what you love - in 90 days or less.
❗45+ Exclusive “Canvas Vandals” Modules Helping You Develop YOUR Unique Style🎨
❗Explore The Craft of Marketing & Selling Your Art in Tom’s regular Business Q&As 📈 ❗Priority mentorship from Tom "Welly" Wells, from getting good - to making money👨‍🎨
🎁Free Monthly Done-For-You Multi-Layered Stencil Designs You Can Resell Effortlessly
🎁Bi-Weekly Live Paint Along Calls Teaching You Tom’s “Magic Touch”
🎁Save 33% on Your Membership With an Annual Plan
Note: The Canvas Vandals are currently in its BETA phase and the price will be increasing soon!
Current value: $760
The Canvas Vandals
Artists together that want to step up and make something of themselves!
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