The Best Me Community
45 members
$7 /month
Welcome! This group is for women over 35 looking to lose weight through longevity habits so we can prevent or reverse lifestyle disease, have the energy to keep up with our amazing families, and boost our confidence!
You will get access to education, guides, recipes, group discussions, challenges, prizes and a monthly Q&A. Plus, start right away with our Core 4 challenge module, which guides you step-by-step with the 4 core habits for weight loss and longevity.
I created this community so we can learn from and support each other. A path is something you do alone. A journey is done with a community - and did you know that Community/Purpose is one of the 12 Essential Longevity habits!? The longest lived and happiest people on earth have the commonality of community and belonging, which is what we want for you.
You’re not alone in this journey—join us and connect with like-minded women ready to build healthier lives. Sign up to access all the resources you need to take the first step today!
The Best Me Community
Join our community to build lasting habits for weight loss, health, and longevity. Get support, education, and motivation for your best self!
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