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What's Skool Community? This is the official product community for users to engage in discussions about Skool. We have dedicated categories - Product Questions - Ask questions about the product. Product Feedback - Provide feedback about the product. Feature Requests - Request a feature by stating your use case clearly and concisely. Strategy - Share or ask about your group's launch or growth strategy. Something Fun! - Share something that's fun, but keep it related to Skool, tech, and community.
Millionaire Payments πŸŽ‰
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Millionaire Payments πŸŽ‰
Learn to make money with your community using Millionaire native Payment features.
Millionaire Funnel πŸŽ‰
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Millionaire Funnel πŸŽ‰
1. What's a group funnel? An automation that collects email addresses for new members.T 0:25 β€” Summary of how Andrew made $100,000 profit in 10 days 1:08 β€” Old way to get customers VS new way to get customers 3:27 β€” Overview of Andrew’s Free Group Funnel course 3:55 β€” Backstory of why Andrew started a free group 5:42 β€” Why free groups are dynamic, compounding, and achieve preeminence 12:28 β€” Demo of Andrew’s free group on Skool
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