assistable builders league
30 members
Assistable Builders League
Think of it like fantasy sports… but for business.
Builders own teams, they draft clients, and they win tournaments. The draft is perpetual…
Ai build request system - gamified. Earn tokens, control course slots, earn calendar time, bid on vertical monopolization offers, trade analytical data for AI inference credits, form networks, earn collab bonuses, become a master builder and adopt apprentices, provide real world certifications for League badges and reoccurring token payouts, apply for a guild and pursue sponsorships/referral plays with other platforms, trade blueprints, auction knowledge sources, leverage the ‘underground’ platform of ubiquity to take tokens to real world markets as cryptokens, win platform specific integration championships and sequester incoming build requests.
Welcome to the Assistable Builders League - powered by Ubiquity & Assistable.
assistable builders league
⚒️ Where the best AI builders compete/collab ⚔️
Non-builders? Submit AI build request here and we’ll get back to ya ->
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