Nov '22 in Other
What was your first side hustle & How old were you?
What was the first side hustle you had and how old were you when you started that? It can be anything from selling lemonades to selling home-baked cookies...Just comment below what it was and how old were you when you started it.
When I was 10, I used to modify mechanical pencils (a.k.a pen pencils). Initially, I used to take the existing pen pencils that my friends owned and modify them for a small fee. I later pivoted to buying the pen pencils from the shop myself, modifying them, and selling the modified ones at double the price to all my classmates, juniors, and friends.
Got busted by the principal and had to close shop in 2 weeks tho lol. 'Twas nice while it lasted.
Looking back, it was really fun and I can't believe I sold my friends and classmates to pay me double the usual price for some basic look modifications.
Now think back to your childhood days and tell your story in the comments below!
Nivas K
What was your first side hustle & How old were you?
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