The (secret) best thing about Synthesiser School
Like you, I joined Synthesizer School after watching one of Andrew’s YouTube videos.
In April, he pitched me on the idea of a place for content creators to start, refine, and accelerate their journeys into the creator economy through synthesizing information.
No need to create any ‘original’ content - perfect for a lazy person like me.
Once inside, I gobbled up all the information I could get my hands on, I smashed through the free course and binge watched a tonne of Andrews videos.
(This one is still my favourite, and I believe his most poignant.)
Engaging with posts, greeting new joiners, joining content creation challenges - I was logging on every day to get the most out of this group.
By doing this, by becoming an active member of the community, surely I was on my way to unlocking the most value this community has to offer?
Surely I was bound to cut through all the noise and get to the best bits?
I thought I was headed down the right path.
Recently, I had a bunch of calls with some of the guys I’ve met on here.
We got on a zoom call and talked about all things related to content creation, business, ambitions, hobbies, anything at all.
I joined Synthesizer School in April, and it took me until August to get on calls with people.
And boy am I glad I did. These guys are AWESOME.
But amongst the ideas, conversations, and reflections on our individual synthesizer, it got me thinking:
Chatting with those guys was far better than logging into Synthesiser School everyday to see new posts.
Building deeper relationships and connecting with people through similar interests was what made me stop, think, and (most importantly) act.
Then I realised…
That was it. That was the best feature of Synthesiser School.
The best part of Synthesizer School is you.
You the creator. You the commenter. You the problem solver.
The best bit isn’t the free course. It’s not the polls, or the posts, or the content sharing.
It’s the collective of individuals taking different routes towards similar goals that makes Synthesizer School so damn impactful.
There are a tonne of genius people on this platform. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting at least 3 of them.
So do yourself a favour and start realising the highest value asset on this platform. Start realising the people within Synthesizer School are where the true value lies.
Send DM’s. Connect on other platforms. Follow their work and leave valuable feedback.
Most importantly, SPEAK to people.
These days I’m not the most vocal person on this platform.
You probably won’t see me posting much on here, or leaving inspiring comments to help you solve your problems.
But you can be sure that I’m in the DM’s, getting to know people and building relationships with all of you fantastic people in this community.
Because that’s the best thing about Synthesiser School.
The people are the best thing about Synthesizer School.
You are the best thing about Synthesizer School.
Thank you for reading this.
If you enjoyed it and want to see more, you can follow along my Synthesizer journey on Twitter. I’m @_danreynolds_
I write daily tweets and weekly threads to help you play long games and write online - so that we can all win together.
See you over there.
Daniel Reynolds
The (secret) best thing about Synthesiser School
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