My journaling structure(very personal content)
I would like to share my journaling scheme that I use for 4 years now. It helped me to go from using drugs to finishing college and starting my own company. Here is how it looks (I would like to hear your opinions about this):
  • Short brief of what happened from the moment I woke up till I fell asleep
  • What are the wins and good things I did today
  • What new things I learned today
  • What is stressing me out and causing me to worry (helps a lot)
  • What I want and what are my wishes
  • How do I feel (one-two sentences.)
+Bonus part (keeping track of good and bad things) I got this from Atomic Habits. Here is an example :
- book = nn pages
- workout = 1-10
-meditation = nn minutes
-instagram = nn minutes
-sugar = 1-10
-alcohol = 1-10.
AND at the end of week, I do a weekly evaluation, I do an average of good and bad and compare it to previous weeks, to see if I'm progressing or slacking.
This helped me overcome my addictions (drugs, x-videos, cigarettes) and I've become a better person with great discipline.
WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT THIS? Would you add something to it?
Dragan Markovic
My journaling structure(very personal content)
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