Is It One Piece of Content Holding You Back?
Can one piece of pillar content be all you need?
This was the question I had fill my thoughts this morning as I wrote in my journal…then at the gym I kept thinking this?
Going over, in my head, huge brands in the past that had one key piece of content that they literally rode for years, with a few, decades, to success.
I ask this as a company that creates weekly content for local business clients wanting to get more customers.
And who better to ask this same question than our synthesizer community.
Even Andrew shared reference to his piece of content that helped generate thousands of new subscribers and views…
Caveat- it does not mean we only create one piece of content…but rather can we create one piece of pillar content that is like the “monster” player on our team that when they go into the game, they crush it….
I would love your thoughts…can and should we strive to create one massively successful piece of pillar content, like a Ted Talk, that catapults our brand?
I am not certain, but pretty confident, people like Andrew, Casey and Peter, all could look back and point to that flex point in time, and say “this was the one”
Jeff Harrison
Is It One Piece of Content Holding You Back?
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