How Seinfeld Cured My Procrastination
Step 1: Post that first piece of content
Step 2: Post the next piece of content with small improvements
Step 3: Keep repeating step 2
I'm guilty of not doing step 3. I joined this group all excited, joining a day or two after Andrew released the video where he announced the Synthesizer Skool. After quickly posting two videos, I hit a wall. I started to put too much pressure on 'the next one', and ended up procrastinating for 2 weeks.
I just posted a video that talks about this struggle and how I overcame it.
No pressure to watch the video, but I still want to share a short summary of the techniques in the hopes it helps you get unstuck!
Make whatever task your procrastinating on more fun and/or take less energy until it's something that you want to do. (Bonus points if you remove the need for the task to be done perfectly.) There's no sense having the task be so hard/not fun that you don't want to do it.
Example: Making a video on lessons learned from a large book that you haven't read yet might seem hard and not so fun. Maybe you're not in the habit of reading, and the thought of finishing that huge book seems daunting. What's a fun and easier version of that? For you, maybe that's making a YouTube short about one tip you can share from a video that you watched. Build up from there instead of giving yourself too large of a task that you know you'll procrastinate on.
Dan Marino
How Seinfeld Cured My Procrastination
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