Jan '23 (edited) in Other
How ChatGPT Will Ruin the World!
From libraries, to Google, to ChatGPT — knowledge seeking has evolved over time, and has become more efficient at every stage.
I posted this article two weeks ago on Medium. Many people had interesting comments that showed me things I didn’t think about when writing. It gave me the following questions that I would like to discuss with you:
I think that ChatGPT can think like a human, but can not reflect like a human (unless it is in one conversation). What do you think?
I believe that a definition of Polymath could be, “one who knows many subjects involving math” or “one who knows many maths.” What’s your definition of polymath?
What do you think about the term “prompt engineers” as in, one who engineers AI prompts?
Drop an answer to any or all of these questions below and any thoughts on ChatGPT!
Gianangelo Dichio
How ChatGPT Will Ruin the World!
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