Hi Synthesizers: This is Pax
I'm Prakash Joshi Pax from Nepal. Been a huge fan of Andrew since the beginning and even a bigger fan when he started posting raw videos with so much value packed in a single video.
The type of content you love the most: My interest is not fixed on a particular topic but the content that I love the most about is from people like Ali, Niklas, and other YouTubers who are working on productivity, self-improvement niche, I guess. Other than that I really like content from Dr. Yogi Vikasananda(Nepali). He also talks about philosophy and life lessons.
The problem I'm currently working on: The biggest problem that I think I have is the habit of procrastination. I know I have time besides my college and study. But I don't use that time to produce something valuable rather I'm always on my bed scrolling through small clips and short videos. I've to work on using my time effectively.
Prakash Joshi Pax
Hi Synthesizers: This is Pax
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