Jun '22 (edited) in Wins🏆
Going all-in on Synthesizing (my biggest bet)
(long read)
Okay, I know that a few of you guys already know my story from comments, but I thought I will share my plan to become a full-time synthesizer, not because I want to brag about it online, but rather to make a public declaration about it to people that I respect, so I would keep my word, and achieve it and also maybe it inspires a few people here.
So from a young age I always wanted to become a Youtuber, and this is why I started at age 11 but I fell into the trap of live streaming gaming content (it had a bigger ROI at the start, but the problem with it, is that it doesn't compound) I don't want to go too deep into this, but now looking back, I wasted 7 years from my life, and I thought I was making progress, but I don't, a year ago I spent my whole summer, working in a summer job, smoking weed and drinking multiple times weekly, and my dream of becoming a content creator slowly faded away, then I thought that I will go to university just to be with my older friends, and have fun/party with them, and I will pursue my dream of becoming a Youtuber somewhere in the future...
but something happened that changed everything
I still clearly remember the morning, when before school I saw that Andrew uploaded a video about a "New Million-Dollar Opportunity For 2022" I watch every Andrew Kirby video, and this wasn't an exception, so I clicked on it, first I was confused about it, but as the video progressed, it becomes clearer and clearer: I want to become a Synthesizer, and when Andrew said, "I'm making it to my mission to help 100 people become full-time synthesizers" I was sold, I didn't even care how much I would need to pay, a community with viewers of Andrew Kirby and a course? and when I heard it's free I know this was my calling, I spent that whole school day daydreaming about it, I need to get into this community, when I went home I didn't even care about the exam the next day, I knew that if I got accepted my life will change, and I will no longer need to care about those grades
(fun fact: I misunderstood what Andrew said, and I thought, that only 100 people will get accepted to the group, and you have to make a video about why you want to be a synthesizer, so it was much harder to join.) I spent multiple hours, writing the reasons why I want to join, making a video, with a story, and explaining the theory of Show your work, with animations, I wanted to make it perfect, next day I got an email, saying I got accepted, I was more than happy (here is my reaction) I felt that day as if I was high or something, and it was probably one of my best days, but when I joined, I realized, that it's not just a 100 member because I was like the 117th one, but I was still happy, this group is a huge gift for me, I made all my online friends here, met with one synthesizer IRL multiple times, worked as a video editor for Nawvel that become the #2 product of the day on PH, found a mentor, had the chance to chat with Andrew and ask him for advice and to make a video for him, and the list goes on...
around a month after I got accepted, I had a talk with my programmer family member and I realized, that web developers don't do any design, so now I want to learn UX design, but there are no universities for that, so I will have to stay home for a year and learn it. ... but wait, then I could just do the thing I would want to do at the end: youtube! I had to talk a lot to my parents about this thing, countless arguments about why I should go to university, what others will say, what if I fail with youtube, and what is this youtube thing even is, etc. but over time they slowly started to agree, to my offer, I will stay home for a year and if I don't make money online (at least 500 euro/m) I have to go to university or go find a job.
I'm young so this is the time to take risks and fail, and everyone in the business/self-improvement world says, that you shouldn't go to university, I thought about this a lot, the downside is starting uni or programming a year later, the upside is basically having my dream job, and being financially free and traveling the world, and tbh I love to challenge myself.
So here is the Game Plan:
(maybe it will change but this is what I'm planning to do)
  • I finish the 30-day content challenge (and I will be more natural in front of a camera and less of a perfectionist)
  • I start to make 1 or maybe 2 really high-quality video/ week, that has the potential to go viral and study youtube
  • I will give away as much value for free as possible (inside my niche)
  • this will grow my channel
  • I will sell a coaching program to creators that struggle to stay consistent, don't have the creator mindset, and procrastinate
  • $$$
I have 1 year, and I spend most of my days in front of my computer, I have to admit my plan is not 100% clear and I don't know everything, but there is no way that I can't figure this thing out under a year, I just have to be an essentialist, and focus on the right thing, and not procrastinate.
if you are in a similar situation as me, feel free to drop a DM, and we can chat, also I hope that I will see more people doing the same thing, and doing full-time what they love,
thanks for reading!
Benedek Santa
Going all-in on Synthesizing (my biggest bet)
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