Apr '22 (edited) in Other
7 Stupid Easy Ways to Instantly Improve your communication (from our accountability call)
Here is a quick recap of the persuasion presentation from our accountability call.
I made this because the recording got deleted, but some of you wanted to see it.
Who needs to learn persuasion?
Everyone, but especially Synthesizers.
Because if you can write persuasively, you can:
Write words that sell at scale.
Whether that's in a
• Tweet
• Video or
• landing page
And with the internet, the opportunity to leverage your words (and message) is unlimited.
But you knew that already. That's why you're here.
If you use these tools for unethical short-term gain, you will only hurt yourself in the long run.
Use these powerful tools for good.
Also, don’t blindly believe me. I am still learning.
Test these principles yourself.
If you disagree, comment below.
Without further ado,
7 Stupid Easy Ways to Instantly Improve your communication
  1. Admit a flaw
When you admit a flaw,
• you show your humility,
• you show your honesty, and
• you become more relatable
At the start of my most viral video (127,000 views), I said,
“Hey, this videos gonna be in German, so if I make any mistakes, please let me know in the comments.”
I meant it for real because I wanted feedback, but in the end, hundreds of Germans commented offering help, and that video catapulted me to monetization.
did this well in his early videos by admitting his struggle to gain control of his life.
  1. Specific > Hypothetical
You can use Specific Dates and Places:
Saturday, April 23rd
Greetings from Konstanz, Germany
Specific Names:
"Jerome gets more time than Brandon" - Kanye West
"Len is a friend of mine with an eye for good products" - Joe Sugarman (from legendary BluBlocker Ad)
And Specific Numbers:
“I was so broke my Dad had to loan me 4,000 dollars just to pay my bills.” - Ray Dalio > I was poor
The online community of a productivity YouTuber with 600,000 subs > some YouTube community
  1. Tale of Two Men Pattern:
The WSJ used this to earn $2 Billion:
The pattern is:
Two people with similar starting points end up with wildly different outcomes.
(because of the thing you want your prospect to do)
Hamza, who Andrew mentioned in his last video, is blowing up right now using this formula in every video.
(Adonis, the alpha male vs. Jeffery the beta male)
  1. Contrast
You always want to use contrast to prove your point.
"Specific knowledge: what feels like PLAY to you but looks like WORK to others?"
Jeffery vs. Adonis
Go Look at Andrew’s Dopamine Detox thumbnail
  1. The Easiest way to start your communication (Two options)
a. Promise value (and deliver) that’s what I tried to do with this title.
b. Story (drop a man in the jungle with a lion chasing him.)
Example from The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd
"I was extremely nervous. As the teacher of my semester-long Chinese language class called my name, my heart started to race. I took a deep breath..."
  1. Clear > Clever
A confused prospect clicks away.
Make sure your headline is dead clear.
"How to Get Rich (without getting lucky):"
"The Unfiltered Truth about Hamza"
"The Greatest Salesman in the world"
  1. You’re in the right place”
You need to know your target audience and let them know they are in the right place.
“[Creating] for everyone is [creating] for no one” - Nicolas Cole
Go watch Andrew’s Dopamine Detox video again.
Pay attention to how he describes the struggle of basically every ambitious young person. (but certainly not every person)
When I first saw that video, I thought
"WTF, this guy GETS me" and was very close to buying his Time Theory Course.
“If you can explain somebody's problem better than they can, they will automatically attribute you as having the solution.” — Wyatt Woodsmall
(And if you understand them that well, you probably DO have the solution.)
Your Job:
• Pick one of these tools to use it in your content this week
• Comment below which one you will use
Lastly, remember,
”Those speaking the truth have an obligation to be persuasive” - Aristotle
Have fun🚀
Connor Widmaier
7 Stupid Easy Ways to Instantly Improve your communication (from our accountability call)
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