STP: Fashion Insiders Club
Private group
83 members
$17 /month
STP: Fashion Insiders Club is an exclusive, subscription-based community tailored for fashion brand owners eager to expand their businesses. Members have the unique opportunity to learn effective scaling techniques and problem-solving methods directly from David Kollar ( 8 Figure Fashion Brand Owner ).
⏭️ What’s Included for JUST $30/Month ($1 A Day)
✅ $10,000+ WORTH of video training modules (including sneak peeks from my Fashion Academy Program)
✅ 1ON1 Q&A BOARD SUPPORT: You now can ask questions and get answers for big problems you might be having with your brand, which takes the guest work of making the wrong decision.
✅ NEW MODULES EVERY SINGLE MONTH: (fresh modules, teachings and lessons that are helping me grow my business to 8-figures real time)
✅ LIVE MONTHLY ZOOM CALLS: We will include special guests into the calls but you will have access to asking david questions about your brand.
STP: Fashion Insiders Club
A paid community for fashion brand owners to learn how to start and scale their brands. With live zoom calls, monthly workshops/modules and q&a boards
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