Tip for the newbie
Ok let's just say you have zero experience in any kind of acting or the entertainment industry.
And you got you mic, DAW you signed up on fiverr. And you think I can sit back and wait and wait....Did I say wait. But while you are waiting for you first audition, what are you doing in the mean time. What's a Demo? Fell like your drowning. Here's the tip, think of it as being covered over by a Avalanche of information you didn't have a clue about. Don't panic look for clues. Drop your preconceived ideas and listen and do. And take on the problems one at a time. So when you get that audition, you might be nervous, but you know that you put your best foot (voice) forward.
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Bill Freeman Jr.
Tip for the newbie
You want to learn about your gear, learn how to edit and process audio, and of course, how to grow your client base. We tackle it all here. Welcome!
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