Secret Piano Method
Private group
45 members
$47 /month
I really believe that ANYBODY can play the piano beautifully by following just a few simple rules.
After 20 years of playing in concerts, restaurants and weddings, I share this simple secret with you. I tried it with friends & family and was very impressed with their fast result. You don't have to read notes. The Secret Method focusses on playing chords, and hey! we use chords to play songs. So if we practice 5 minutes per day, you can play your favorite song in no time. I can't wait to show you what's inside.
✅ Video instructions (149 minutes of recorded material)
✅ Slow, medium and fast speed exercises.
✅ Grow a mindset to stay motivated.
✅ Custom graphics for easy understanding.
✅ Weekly updated database of piano tips (4638 words)
✅ Expand your network in a highly engaged community (83%!)
✅ Free support 7 days per week.
(Traditional piano lessons cost between 500-1000$ per year.)
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Private group
Easiest way to play beautifully in just one week. Well-instructed exercises, weekly challenges and prizes within our supportive community.
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