Social Mastermind Chiros
128 members
$49 /month
Social Mastermind Chiros exists to help beginner and established Chiropractic Owners…
  1. Add an extra $50K - $200K in revenue per year for their practice.
2. Take their marketing in house and save money from paying hefty marketing agency retainers every month.
3. Attract more high quality new patient every month with or without running new patient specials.
I want to invite you to join SMC...
If you want to SCALE your practice to the next level!
Here's what you are going to get:
  • Instagram Patient Funnel Starter Course ( $997 Value )
  • Instagram Patient Funnel Course ( $4,997 Value )
  • Access to a community of Chiros that are scaling their practices to $100K+ every year ( $9,997 Value )
  • Weekly Group Coaching Coaching Calls ( $9,997 Value )
Let's build successful practices that create amazing IMPACT and INCOME for you, your patients and your family!
If you are ready to rock, let's get it.
See you inside.
Social Mastermind Chiros
A place for Chiropractors to scale their practice with or without running new patient specials using up to date Instagram Marketing Strategies & More!
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