Soccer Parents Mastermind
Private group
3 members
Soccer Parent Mastermind: Beyond the Sidelines
  • Confident: Guide your child with clarity, free from doubt or worry.
  • Supportive: Nurture their passion without adding pressure, fueling their joy.
  • Empowered: Mastermind strategies to unlock their potential, on and off the field.
  • Connected: Share experiences, celebrate victories, and learn from a supportive community.
  • Equipped: Gain powerful tools and techniques to navigate the journey with confidence.
I'm Ari Levit, a USSF "A" License Coach, certified Mindset & Visualization Coach, and a passionate advocate for youth soccer development.
With over 20 years of experience, I've helped over a thousand players of all ages and skill levels reach their goals, both on and off the field.
I'm not just a coach, I'm also a soccer dad who understands the challenges and joys of navigating the soccer journey.
Don't just watch, BE the difference. Join the Soccer Parents Mastermind!
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