Self Inquiry School
Private group
126 members
$97 /month
Embark on a life-changing Self inquiry journey to awaken to your true nature more deeply.
You will learn to:
  • Deepen your meditations with daily progress.
  • Be more established in awareness of Self.
  • Dissolve mind identification and suffering.
  • Embody the truth in daily personal life.
  • Be more happy and peaceful.
What you get inside the school:
  • 10-week Self Inquiry Course - Gives you structure and consistency.
  • Weekly Q&A Meetings - Get full support & all your questions answered.
  • Group Meditations - Group energy helps you keep ascending spiritually.
  • 1-1 Private Meetings With Sunny - Make a booking whenever you need extra help.
  • Community - Connect with earnest seekers who keep you motivated and inspired.
  • Online Retreats every month - Full day of live events focused on Self inquiry practice.
  • Private Messaging With Sunny.
  • Access to all meeting recordings.
Lock in your monthly rate by enrolling🙏🏽
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Self Inquiry School
Transform your Self inquiry practice and awaken to your true nature more deeply. Transcend all mental obstacles to awareness of Self.
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