Skool Mastery
35 members
🚀 Skip the overwhelm & launch your community like a Skool Games Winner in under 30 mins 🚀
I won the Skool Games in September and learned from the top community owners on skool
Now I help people start their own skool communities
Along the way, I've discovered THREE THINGS winning communities do that losing ones don’t.
But do you know what’s crazy?
These THREE THINGS don’t require any prior expertise and take less than 30 mins to set up.
❌ No complicated systems
❌ No crazy funnels
❌ No audience/niche required
Just THREE THINGS that will turn your group into a “fun-to-run,” money-making machine.
Ill teach you everything you need to know
Click the yellow button to launch your community today + I’ll see you on the other side.
— Maddex
Skool Mastery
Learn how to build a skool community from a skool games winner
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