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Weekly Coaching Call is happening in 3 days
Hey guys, I'm sure you've noticed the rebrand of the group. I've decided to niche down to what i'm REALLY REALLY good at, which is digital product business. Does that mean you cant be in the group anymore? Absolutely not. Will you still learn all the things you need for business? Yes. Can you still go to the coaching calls and ask non digital product business stuff? Hell yes. The reason why I rebranded and pivoted is because teaching what I'm not doing didn't feel right. Does that mean what I'm teaching doesn't work? Hell no, I've done what you're doing, I'm just not in it CURRENTLY. Anyway, that's all I had. Cheers guys
Affiliate Training
Hey guys! If you didn't yet know, I started my Nikko Indusries affiliate program. I pay 100% commissions on it. Yes you read that right, 100%. Why? Because I can get the membership on the back end, while helping you guys make money on the front end. Make sense? It's a HUGE win-win for everyone. Anyway, I created a training module specifically teaching you guys how I did it when I first started Nikko Industries. I made $50k my first year, $120k the next, and $250k+ the third year. Enjoy the training and I'll see you guys in the coaching calls!
New comment Apr 18
Added Coaching Calls
Hey guys! Just added a bunch of recorded coaching calls to the classroom If you can, PLEASE try to make the coaching calls. That's where you can really get the most out of this community. I can PERSONALLY help you with your business constraints and learn directly from others from what they're doing in their own business!
New comment Apr 12
Does anyone here need a website? Or has one but wants a redesign for a better looking one? I'm asking because I'm doing an experiment and wanted to see if I can make you guys one using my software. Let me know if you want me to make you one. It's completely free, you just have to buy the domain, etc
New comment Apr 4
Ok so I'm back this week! The coaching calls will resume this week. I'm also going to be recording videos for FB ads AND affiliate program! I'll teach you guys how to sell MY files and make money with it! Crazy right? Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know I'm back. The wedding was awesome! If you guys follow my personal page on FB you'll find photos there. The professional ones wont be done for another 3 months.
New comment Mar 24
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DigitalProduct Academy Premium
Ever wanted to know how to make money with digital products?
I've made over $2M in digital product sales.
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