Private group
9 members
$38 /month
Welcome to Self-Made 🫡
Discover the space you’ve been seeking – a community of creatives, freedom-seekers, entrepreneurs, visionaries, collaborators, and artists like you.
If you’re here, you’re like us. In the business of realizing your dream life and business.
Embark on an expansive Quest of healing, harmonizing with your true self, clarifying your vision, creating a roadmap for success, learn to manifest your life, and master your mind – all in service of becoming SELF-MADE.
What to expect:
Join The Self-Made Quest to create the life and business you dream of. Overcome limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and lack of focus to live fully aligned and abundant lives.
Gain access to:
✅ Private Community of like-minded individuals
✅ Self-Made Masterclass | Transform your Life
✅ 8+ Modules covering Self-Empowerment, Activation, and Mastery
✅ 2 x Weekly Coaching Calls | Mindset Q & A + Guided Meditation
✅ Priority Support: DM’s, Community forum
👉 Join now for $38/month and gain access the club.
Privacy and terms
Private group
Create the world you want to live in. Join our empowering community for weekly coaching, meditations, courses & more. Unlock your potential & thrive
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