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If youโ€™ve been hurt by someone thatโ€™s supposed to be close to you if you carry unforgiveness in your heart โค๏ธ from unhealed Trauma this video is for you the whole video I want to spend my birthday sending healing โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน to others
New comment Jan 9
If youโ€™ve been hurt by someone thatโ€™s supposed to be close to you if you carry unforgiveness in your heart โค๏ธ from unhealed Trauma this video is for you the whole video
RROC Family, important announcement! We will be completely shutting down Skool by January 1st. To stay connected, itโ€™s essential that you join the RROC International Telegram channel as soon as possible. Once Skool is shut down, itโ€™s gone for good, so donโ€™t miss this opportunity to stay plugged in! This Telegram channel will be the central hub for Bible studies, prayer calls, and everything we have to offer internationally. Itโ€™s your gateway to revival teams, teachings, and staying connected to the global RROC community. Hereโ€™s the link to join: If youโ€™re local to Central Florida, you can also join RROC Central Florida! Speak to Pastor Joel when you come to the center, and he will help get you plugged in. Be sure to visit the Revival Team Table set up at every service for more information. Make sure to watch the video attached to this post all the way to the end, and let everyone you know about this transition. This is your opportunity to stay connected to everything God is doing through RROC! Letโ€™s continue advancing the Kingdom together. Join today, in Jesusโ€™ name! โ€” Apostle Rich
New comment Jan 6
Happy New Years โœจ
Truly blessed for this ministry, nearly a year ago I accepted the call to gather and become family with RROC LSOR, going to miss you all on this platform but still just a plane ride away to RROC! Love you all, such men and women of God, keep running this race! Stay connected! Love in Christโ€ฆ.. Sister Nicole (Nik)๐Ÿ‘‘
Congratulations Pastor Carlos ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
Congratulations to Pastor Carlos for God promoting you to Senior Pastor of RROC. I know this new year we are off to greater and amazing things for the Kingdom of God. God bless you and may the Lord use you mightly for his plans and purpose for His plans for you are great in the mighty name of Jesus. I declare and prophesy that thousands of more souls will come to Christ. You are a chosen for a time as this and I can't wait to see the marvelous and miraculous move of God for this year and the next to follow. Happy New Year.
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The LSOR equips leaders & revivalists to serve in the body of Christ all around the world! Stay engaged in discipleship as we serve the Lord together!
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