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Welcome to Reboot Yourself!
TIP: Scroll to the end to find out what "action required" means! Greetings and welcome to the Reboot Yourself! Community WHAT IS THIS PLACE? This is a place where we all want to do better, and we understand that the way to do that is to turn off, turn on and turn up. WHO IS IT FOR? You will get the most out of this group if you have read Reboot Yourself, but in this early stage we are opening membership to anybody. WHAT DO WE DO HERE? We want to grow and evolve this group as a community, so there’s not too much structure here right now. We will be sharing regular content here, but we encourage you to share your own journey, too – as much as you are happy to share. So often our relationships are conditional and transactional. Our vision for the Reboot Yourself community is for you to be able to be accepted and celebrated simply for who you are. This does not require a deep knowing of one another, simply that we share a similar purpose of rebooting ourselves and helping others do the same. WHAT ARE THE RULES? The rules are simple: - Respect towards one another, at all times. - No feedback unless it’s asked for. We want people to be able to share their journey safely. If you want feedback, please do ask for it. Otherwise, the default option is, encouragement and support.  - The only exception to this is where your sharing is offensive to others. We could exhaustively define what is or isn’t offensive, but we would prefer to co-design that as a community as we grow.  - No anonymous accounts.  - Please be aware this is a public forum. Content that you post here may be viewable by others online, even if they are not members of the community. We may have a private sub-group in future, but for now the default is open. - No self-promotion of your company, workplace or profession.  WHAT DO I DO NOW? Your first task is to comment on this post with something to show you have read and understood the rules, and agree with them. It could be as simple as, "yes", or anything more that you'd like to say.
Complete action
New comment Dec '23
Hey there! Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and say a huge congratulations on starting your own community! I'm so excited to be here with you. :)
New comment Dec '23
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Reboot Yourself!
Turn off negative habits, turn on your motivation and confidence, and turn up to the life you always wanted!
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