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Welcome to Innovagents! This free community helps real estate agents attract clients and grow your business in a rapidly innovating marketplace while also creating time freedom and financial freedom. Step 1: Introduce yourself below! (✄ copy/paste template 👇) Where are you from? What are you goals in real estate? What immediate help do you need? Step 2: Discover How to Unlock All the Classroom Resources Step 3: Start your first post: share what you do to get clients! (Or what you'd LIKE to do!) Step 4: Join Our Referral Network (Coming Soon) ------------- Best practices in this community: • Level up to gain access to more free resources by posting insights and thoughtful comments • Help others level up by liking 👍 good posts and comments • Embrace a win-win attitude • If you need help, just ask the community 💪
New comment 24d ago
TC Checklist
Good Morning. I joined this group to check out the TC checklist templates that were offered online. Can someone please advise? Thanks!
New Agent: 0 to 6 Figures Commission from a Facebook Group
Quick story: when I started out a new, part time agent (I was full time military and worked in a vault with no phone), I closed 4 deals my first year and one was my own house (doesn't count...!). I had the same struggle that most new agents have: the realization that you only have two options to succeed in real estate: 1. Join a production team for leads and pay ~50% plus your broker split/fees for those closings 2. Choose and CONSISTENTLY work on some form of lead generation for many months to start seeing results and build your own business You can either build your own business or serve another's business, but getting licensed and joining a brokerage is far from all it takes - that's the EASY part. Lead gen is by far the more critical skill. So in my second year as still a new and part time agent, I took home over 100K in commission thanks to one simple act: I started a Facebook Community that provided value to my ideal client profile and converted members to clients. I put together a few hour min-course on how I did EXACTLY that for THIS community. Check it out: And then comment below: is this a strategy you would consider doing? Why or why not?
New comment 3d ago
New Agent: 0 to 6 Figures Commission from a Facebook Group
Hello here, I am Michael am new to the world of being a realtor am I welcome here to learn and earn
Do you need a quick loan for any particular project? Do you need a loan for home refinancing, or maybe a business loan, or even a personal loan for any need? Whatever your case may be, I can help you secure a low interest rate loan, and I will completely save you the hassle in the process. Get in touch with me today!
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Innovagents Realtor Mastermind
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