Project 2740
Private group
28 members
$229 /month
The whole point of Project 2740 is to give “Start-Over” businesses a place where you can finally breathe again, pay your bills at home and the business, and live your life.
Only then can we work towards achieving massive success.
This community is a place to build yourself and your business— so you can be proud of, and sustain you, your family, and their dreams.
We provide experts to give you support, systems, knowledge, and resources with multiple Live Sessions Daily and a library of courses.
Our disciplines include:
💼 Business Coaching
🌱 Life Coaching
🤝 Accountability
✍️ Content Creation
📈 Engagement
💰 Finance
🛠️ Sales Tactics
🧠💪 Mental & Physical Health
⚙️ Operations
🗂️ Systems & Processes
➕ And More
We have one goal: for you to be Wealthy! That means being Happy, Healthy, and Strong in your Mind, Body, and Business.
We guarantee this—you can’t fail with the resources and talent we offer.
The one catch: you need to be a CEO. That means Commitment, Effort, and Obsession about your Wealth.
Privacy and terms
Project 2740
Project 2740: Empowering Start-Over Business Owners to Become Wealthy CEOs – In This Community CEO is a Verb and Wealth is a State of Being.
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