Feb '23 (edited) in Community Discussion
Create a Referral Program
#6. Filling the Pipeline & Lead Attraction As our Council Cousin asked before, "Would you rather have 100 million dollars or 100 million friends?" I think all of us would be tempted to choose 100 million dollars at first, including me, because your mind will play tricks on you, having you to believe that you could buy 100 million friends. True, you might be able to buy an email list, but to have a list of friends who know you or your friends or other connections is priceless! If your great reputation precedes you, you will never be broke. The value of a personal reference is worth more than gold. That amount of energy will take you further than a non-transferrable piece of energy ever could. Energy that is non-flowing is of no value ... dead ... and may never be able to be revived!
Sb Trust
Create a Referral Program
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