Holistic American Pet Academy
Private group
159 members
$29 /month
Plans as low as $13/month for H4LA Beta Tester Members!
(Use the special link above for member discount)
The Holistic American Pet Academy is about promoting health in our pets, rather than having to get well. Shifting the focus away from chasing disease, and keeping the focus on health.
Take control of your pets health.... NATURALLY!!
Holistic American Pet Academy: a family of like-minded souls who have a heart for animals and their physical & mental well-being; through proper nutrition, detoxification & natural remedies!
😺 Holistic Pet Care Courses created & designed by Dr. Kim Bloomer
🐶 Learn the foundation of good health for our pets
😺 Holistic Pet Care Discussions
🐶 Holistic Pet Resources
😺 Warm, Supportive Community of Holistic Pet Lovers
🐶 Holistic Pet Product Marketplace
+ more
  • Risk-Free, Self Cancel Anytime
  • Save $$ by Improving the Health of Your Pets!
😺🐶 Join Today as low as $13/mo and Save! https://petacademy.holistic4lifeclubs.com/
Holistic American Pet Academy
A passionate group of cat & dog lovers, learning a more holistic approach to their pets' health, led by Animal Naturopaths!
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