What's your ONE thing?
Something I keep seeing over and over...
People trying to build 5 different things at once.
A YouTube channel.
A coaching business.
An e-commerce store.
A blog.
An online course.
And you know what happens?
None of them work.
Here's what I learned from studying the greats...
Amazon only sold books.
Netflix only did DVDs by mail.
Booking only did hotel rooms.
They didn't try to do everything at once.
They picked ONE thing.
They became the best at that ONE thing.
They mastered that ONE thing.
Only then did they expand.
But nowadays?
Everyone's trying to be everything to everyone right from the start.
You're not going to build the next Amazon by launching 10 different projects at once.
You're going to build it by being insanely good at ONE thing first.
What's your ONE thing?
Brett Dev
What's your ONE thing?
Nomad School
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