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So there’s a friend of mine, who was updating me on where he’s at musically, and he said he was generating his own IRS he codes so he could have more control over his music, and he claimed to be and I quote “his his own distributor“. I responded that’s not how distribution works and that that type of thing really doesn’t matter anymore since distributors provide those codes. However, this did get me thinking. Is this just some outdated practice that still gets passed on or are there legitimate concerns about this? I’ll include a Reddit post about this topic and the only piece of information that I could take away. is that generating your own codes? Will let you track more data. What does this mean? Exactly? Are we talking More in depth analytics? Seeing what plays are getting in other stores/territories outside of your home country? This led to another question, do these generated codes mean that the distributor or label who purchased these bulk codes have ownership of my music? Again the Reddit thread said that some distributors charge or withhold royalties until you pay off the fee of the code, and while I haven’t did an in-depth reading of terms and conditions for any of the major distributors, I feel like this would be a louder argument if there was any real problems. So does anybody have any information on this or how do you handle releasing music, do you go with the generated codes or create them yourselves and if so, why?
Joseph Johnson
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