February Fantasies & Frustrations
Hey Dreamerz, as promised we're continuing to cater to artists at the underground level as we've just released our playlists for the month! Meet Ro'maine, he has been selected as the Dreamer of the Month and has been featured on the cover for our playlist 'February Fantasies' & his leading single 'My Girl" is doing numbers! We also dropped a 'February Frustrations' playlist, for those of you who feel heartbroken during this season and need relatable music to get you through it. Both playlists can be found on https://linktr.ee/dreamnetwork.ca as well as our instagram page to keep updated with all our posts 🙏🏽 Make sure you tune in and watch the visuals on our youtube channel, you don't want to miss out on an opportunity to be placed on our exclusive playlists!
Dream Network
February Fantasies & Frustrations
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